What’s next?

I needed to find a new way to paint. What would that new way be like? I had gone wrong before by trying to find a different way. It led me to make art that didn’t feel like me. I needed to look inside myself and work out what I loved to do, what I wanted to say, and cut out everything that wasn’t about that.

I love brush marks, being able to see the physicality of painting. I want spontaneity and a mode of direct expression so I can say something about my life and experience. I am really into complementary colours, bashing them up against each other to get a reaction. Colour is definitely important to me and I want to be able to use it better. I want to be able to create more depth than I can currently muster. I want to build up layers of paint and marks like I’ve seen other people do, but which I know is easier said than done. All of these things would create a kind of painting that I could spend my life engaged in.

What I don’t know, and what this list doesn’t tell me is how on earth I am going to do it. What kind of marks? What shapes? If you start out without a plan and its all about colour, how does it not look like a chaotic mess? Time to start painting and try to come up with some kind of process that will allow me to find out.


Process stories.


A new way to paint.